Hybrid work can be a big mistake

Hybrid work can be a big mistake

In the spring of 2020, the pandemic was said to have brought the largest distance work experiments in the world. But because some countries now start unlocking, there is little agreement for conclusions that can be withdrawn.

Want to escape from the boundaries of the head office, many people call on the transition to the hybrid work system, where time is split between homes, offices and other choice locations.

Others, such as Darren Murph, a long-distance head in Gitlab, believes that the business is heading for disaster, after underestimating the logistics challenges to switch to hybrid work will be made.

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“Hybrid work will damage many companies; this will create a lot of chaos and friction,” he told Techradar Pro, without uncertain conditions.

“When you force a subset of people back to the office, with another subset that is always far away, you have two fields of playing for dimetradation – and it will be very difficult.”

Change of mindset

Because the launch of the vaccine has collected steps and frustration with locking steps that have deepened, patience with remote work seems to have shrunk. However, while the head office has lost a lot of charm initially, Murph is convinced that remote models can solve many problems that take root with office culture and the work method.

Gitlab, the DevOps platform that broks the line between the idea and collaboration tool, is a company that is all long before the pandemic, without physical buildings at all. According to Murph, whether he and Gitlab have banged on a long-distance work drum for years, but recently people start sitting and listening.

“It feels like I have pushed a long distance work stone uphill for a better part of 15 years,” he said. “But Covid has enlightened the world in the fact that many jobs can be done flexibly.”
