Sony is waiting for 'the right time' to release the PS4 game on a PCSony is waiting for 'the right time' to release the PS4 game on a PC

In an interview with the PlayStation blog, Head of Studio Sony Worldwide Husmen Hulst talked about what could be expected from Playstation players through the remaining 2021 and to 2022. As part of this discussion, Hulst gave insight into the current Playstation strategy behind placing some PC games.

“We are still early in our planning for PC. And Dawnzon Zero Dawn has been very successful. I think it shows there is appetite from gamers outside the PlayStation ecosystem to experience an amazing game portfolio that has been enjoyed by Playstation fans for years,” said Hulst.

He added that the PlayStation console would still be “the best place to play our PlayStation studio title when it was launched” but PC gamers are valued and the PC release will occur on “the right time.”

Hulst finished saying that “releasing games on PCs will not come at the expense of building an interesting lineup of a great console game.”

So far, Sony has brought Horizon Zero Dawn and the missing days to PCs, while it seems that it has not been mapped 4: the end of the thief will be the next game to be transported. Sony also wants to bring some of its biggest playstation franchises to cellphones.

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Other important information Hulst is touched with the current release window of some upcoming exclusive Sony, Horizon Forbidden West and the new god of war games. While Horizon Forbidden West is currently on track to be released in 2021, the god of the next war now arrived in 2022.

In addition, the next god of war and Gran Turismo 7 will both come to PS4, not just PS5.

While Horizon Forbidden West does not have the right release date, the team at Guerrilla Games has shown a 14-minute gameplay, featuring new Aloy capabilities and new machines that will be present.

By Rajesh

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