Email Marketing StrategyEmail Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing

Email marketing is amongst the digital marketing practices that are not discussed too often in mainstream discussions. Unlike fields like SEO and SEM which are constantly evolving due to changes in governing algorithms and general consumer behavior, email marketing still retains an old charm many other channels of promotion lack.

At its heart, email marketing is still a one-on-one conversation. A brand sending a promotional email is hoping the recipient would take time to go through the message and hopefully decide to buy the product or service being promoted.

This simple method yields favorable results even in the age of cutting edge digital platforms and technologies. This is because recipients of a promotional email tend to have a higher attention span compared to the average social media browsing user.

Most successful digital marketing campaigns have a clear-cut email marketing strategy that deals with all operational aspects such as managing recipient lists and analyzing email readership stats. As a subject of learning, email marketing is common across many different types of educative platforms. From an online training website to a classroom digital marketing course in Delhi, email marketing is a common topic.

In this article, we will discuss two key essentials to creating the perfect email marketing strategy.

Know Your Audience Inside Out

Writing promotional emails is not as straightforward as it seems. Digital marketers have to know the make-up of the audience they seek to convert into paying customers.

Knowing the audience an email marketing campaign is seeking to target is amongst the most basic factors an overarching strategy must account for.

Not all segments of the audience being targeted in a digital marketing campaign are suitable for being converted through email marketing. For instance, a teenager is likely to open his/her email inbox only a handful of times in a week. However, a working 24-year-old is likely to open his/her email inbox eight to ten times on a given working day. While both the teenage and the 24-year-old can be part of the audience being targeted in a digital marketing campaign, not both are suitable for email marketing.

Know Your Product

Knowing the product implies that digital marketers should know the strengths and weaknesses of the brand, product, or service they are promoting through email marketing.

Knowing the strengths is important as they represent the points that are likely to be covered in a typical promotional email. Weaknesses represent areas which may be exploited by competitors and are thus important for digital marketers to know prior to a campaign being deployed.

This knowledge helps digital marketers bring greater resolve and preparedness while framing a typical email marketing strategy.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers two main factors an email marketing strategy should account for.

About Gaurav Heera

Gaurav Heera is a digital marketing trainer and writer with many years of experience in the field. He often writes guest posts for, an institute known for its digital marketing course in Delhi.

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