This cool Microsoft Teams update will ensure that nothing is lost in translationThis cool Microsoft Teams update will ensure that nothing is lost in translation

Microsoft is migrating a functionality of useful teams on mobile clients, with the aim of supporting multilingual workers and facilitating international collaboration.

As revealed in two new product roadmap entries, the teams for iOS and Android will soon receive online messages, which is currently only available with the desktop version.

“Translation of online messages in channels allows users to translate chain stations and respond in their favorite language. To translate a message, press the channel or answer, and select” Translate “, A declared Microsoft.

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Depending on the roadmap, the messages will be translated into the language of the language that the user scored by default, but the translation settings can also be changed via parameters> General translation.

The translation function is still being tested, but it should move on smartphones users in July.

Microsoft team update

With the rise of work remotely, companies found themselves able to take full advantage of an international talent basin. However, a more and more multilingual workplace also offers some inherent challenges, the leader of communication among them.

By bringing the translation functionality integrated with mobile platforms, Microsoft hopes to connect a potential avenue for bad communication, which helped those who use a second language at work that they have perfectly understood the messages received on teams.

With people from external organizations now able to join Microsoft Teams Group Cats, the translation function could also help users communicate more effectively with international partners and customers.

The move to bring online translation to Android and iOS is also part of a wider accessibility thrust. Since March 2020, Microsoft has deployed a range of team features designed so that everyone can fully use the platform, such as living legends, transcription and new views of the meeting.

More recently, the company has announced a variable playback speed feature for meeting records, which will be useful for all users, but especially anyone suffering from hearing loss or conditions such as dyspraxia.

By Rajesh

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